Three Core Values of Uday Bharatam Party: Ekatwam – Atma-Nirbhar – Vasudaiva Kutumbakam

What makes Bharat truly unique among the comity of nations is not the size of our economic market, or our “democratic” political set-up, or the size of our population. What distinguishes us is our remarkable diversity. Bharat boasts an unparalleled spectrum of differences in terms of faith, caste, class, color, culture, attire, or any other conceivable parameter. This diversity isn't just a wellspring of immense strength but also a distinctive model for the entire world, which is often divided by language, color, or religion, demonstrating how to “live and let live”. However, historically this diversity has also been the source of our weakness and vulnerability. Despite all our wealth and cultural achievements, it was the disunity between Bharatiyas which enabled the foreign invaders to come and rule Bharat for hundreds of years. Even today 75 years after gaining political independence, we are falling far behind realizing our full potential because we still see us divided in terms of religion, caste, language. “Ekatwam” or Unity does not mean we need to become a homogenous society. It means that though we celebrate our unique identities, nurture our regional languages, and practice our respective religions, we must acknowledge that we are distinct but interconnected jewels on the unified string of Bharatiyata. We are all in this together. Each of us can reach our highest potential when we unite with a spirit of solidarity, brotherhood, and shared identity.

Bharat, a land enriched with abundant natural and human resources, has historically been a beacon of knowledge and prosperity. Prior to British colonization in the 17th century, Bharat thrived as a self-sufficient economy and a leading global exporter. After many centuries, today, since reclaiming independence in 1947, Bharat stands once more at the helm of its destiny. With an unparalleled demographic advantage, Bharat boasts an extensive young population. This era marks a pivotal moment in our history, where we witness the resurgence of our rich civilizational values, coupled with an empowered and aspirational populace of 1.4 billion souls. It is our collective dream to foster a nation that is prosperous, self-assured, and peaceful—a nation poised to assume its destined role on the global stage, advancing humanity toward a more harmonious and progressive coexistence.This grand vision can only be realized through Bharat’s self-reliance, self-confidence, and self-sufficiency. As we strive toward these principles, we are committed to securing Bharat's place in the world, contributing to a more peaceful and progressive global community.

Vasudaiva Kutumbakam
As a nation, Bharat embodies a universal philosophy rooted in the principles of friendship and tolerance for all. Bharat stands distinct as a land that has historically refrained from military invasions into foreign territories and has consistently extended refuge to persecuted communities, such as the Zoroastrians in the seventh and eighth centuries and the Jews in the Middle Ages. Embracing all religions, ideologies, and philosophies, India not only tolerates but also accepts diverse perspectives. The timeless dictum 'Ekam Sath-Vipra Vahudha Vadanti – Truth is One, Wise men speak of it in different ways' has been the cornerstone of India's approach throughout history. Even post-independence in 1947, Bharat has steadfastly maintained a philosophy of fostering friendships with all nations while harboring enmity toward none. In a world where discussions about a 'clash of civilizations' and the consequences of a relentless push for 'globalization' alongside rapid technological advancements are prevalent, Bharat's philosophy remains profoundly relevant. It champions acceptance, friendship, and the preservation of unique identities, striking a balance between embracing diversity while remaining rooted in its distinct cultural heritage.