
“Politics without principles, Education without character, Science without humanity, and Commerce without morality are not only useless, but also positively dangerous.”

Bharat, a land of ancient wisdom, a land of peaceful co-existence of different ideas and ways of life, a land where Man and Nature have lived in harmony, a land of material prosperity and a goal of spiritual perfection has been the cradle of civilization, birthplace of speech and the mother of history and tradition. Bharat, a country that represents one-sixth of the world’s population and yet is far from taking its rightful position in the comity of nations. For various historical reasons, the people of Bharat have been distracted, derailed, and diverted from these lofty national goals. Political freedom was attained in 1947, but economic, social, and spiritual freedom has remained unattained. Economic policies since Independence have still not been able to bring millions of Bharatiya’s out of poverty. Pursuit of political power by a class of self-serving politicians has fragmented Bharatiya society on every possible fault-line, be it that of religion, language, caste, economic class or identity. Health, education and basic infrastructure remain substandard and out of reach for millions of Bharatiya’s. And most importantly, the multi-colored fabric of Bharatiya society, nurtured and nourished over millennia is under threat of fragmentation. In this context, it is a historical obligation of today’s generation to rise, unite and dedicate their lives for the National regeneration. The need at this point of time is not only of a new political party, but a radically new way of thinking, a new approach to public policies, a new economic model not only focused on growth and development, but also conservation of natural resources for generations yet to come and inclusiveness of all sections of society. 21st-centurychallenges of identity-based fundamentalism, climate change, automation in industries, global connectivity need 21st- century solutions. It is with this intent that “Bharatam” was constituted of individuals who share the vision of a resurgent Bharat, a re-united Bharat, a resourceful Bharat, a revitalized Bharat- where her citizens will have the opportunity to attain their full potential, unencumbered by bureaucratic red-tape, free to practice their faith and follow their goals, have access to clean air, water, roads, education, health services, justice, economic opportunities and a life of dignity.

Core Ideology – BHARATAM (The 10 Sutras)

1. Gnyanbharatam

2. Sevabharatam

3. Pragatibharatam

4. Arogyabharatam
5. Prakrutibharatam

6. Nyayabharatam
7. Dharmabharatam

8. Samanatabharatam

9. Sanatanabharatam

10. Samistibharatam


1. Foster a knowledge-based society where independent thinking, creativity and scientific temper are nurtured and propagated.

2. Establish schools of Excellence that guide the nation in the path of knowledge and wisdom.
3. Create a value-based quality education for every child.
4. Implement Mandatory, value-based education for all children up to 12th grade.
5. Promote all branches of learning including science, fine arts, sports and other extra-curricular

activities at every level of education.
6. Cultivate research and development in education system and establish specialized research

7. Propagate the values of life to nurture productive and good citizens.
8. Integrate Ancient wisdom and modern science for the betterment of society as a whole.


  1. Propagate selfless service to uplift society from poverty and inequality.

  2. Cultivate Service to Nation, Community, Family and Oneself (rule of 25%).

  3. Promote charitable organizations that serve society selflessly.

  4. Encourage volunteerism in schools and Universities.

  5. Support voluntary organizations that respond to natural and manmade disasters.


  1. Freedom to acquire wealth and prosper for a better life within the confines of Dharma.

  2. Promote equality by equal opportunity.

  3. Creating opportunity for economic prosperity.

  4. Provide support to business community.

  5. Minimize government role in business to regulations and oversight.

  6. Promote innovation and free enterprise.

  1. Encourage entrepreneurship at all levels.

  2. Create employment by promoting business.

  3. Establish institutions for vocational training.

  4. Laws for minimum wage.

  5. Promote modernization of farming.

  6. Create world-class infrastructure for investments.

  7. Establish industries in rural areas.

  8. Promote economic liberalization.

  9. Create a self-sustainable nation.


1. Establish universal health care for all citizens.
2. Eradicate communicable diseases.
3. Promote research and technology in medical field.
4. Emphasis on preventive medicine by teaching in schools.


1. Promote clean environment throughout the Nation. 2. Establish civic law for all citizens.
3. Preserve forests and wildlife.
4. Build green cities and use biodegradable materials. 5. Minimize carbon emissions.

6. Promote environment friendly vehicles.

7. Create an everlasting bond between humans and Nature.


  1. Law of the land is supreme.

  2. Establish a law abiding Nation.

  3. All citizens are equal under the law.

  4. Time bound justice to all citizens.

  5. Dharma is the guiding principle.

  1. Independent watchdog to monitor the judicial system.

  2. Create efficient and transparent judicial system.


  1. Dharma is individual righteousness and collective consciousness.

  2. Dharma is the guiding principle of the government and its citizens.

  3. Uphold the duty to protect individual rights of all citizens enshrined in the Constitution of Bharat.

  4. Shoulder the responsibility to protect all citizens and the country from both internal and external threats.

  5. Incorporate value based teachings in all walks of life to promote a peaceful society.

  6. Instill values from young age to nurture respectable citizens in society.

  7. Spread the message of Dharma to promote equality, freedom and prosperity.


  1. Empower all citizens.

  2. Provide equal opportunity for all citizens.

  3. Create a society with no hierarchy.

  4. Create a nation of one identity.

  5. Dissolve organizations of any identity that discriminate its citizens.


  1. The Truth is one, different sages call by different names.

  2. All religions are inclusive and shape the fabric of the society.

  3. Religious freedom for all within the confines of the DHARMA.

  4. Liberate all religious institutions from government ownership.

  5. Encourage coexistence of all religions.

  6. Foster partnership between all religious schools to create a civil society.


1. Create one Nation with one Spirit. 2. Instill pride in all citizens.

3. Foster unity among the people of all faiths, cultures and regions. 4. Establish an identity for its citizens in the world.

Article 1: Name of the Party.

The name of the party shall be “UDAY BHARATAM PARTY”

Article 2(a): Objectives of the Party.

The Party is pledged to build a vibrant BHARAT. A nation that is strong, prosperous, modern and progressive. A nation where its people are proud of their culture and heritage. A nation where the people stand by values which are ingrained in the universal principle of DHARMA (The internal organization of oneself righteously).

“The party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India ".

Article 2(b): Functioning of the Party.

The party functioning shall be democratic. The decision-making process is by way of majority vote of the members of the representative bodies at all the appropriate levels.

Article 3: – Membership.

  1. Any citizen of Bharat (India) of the age of 18 years or above who accepts the constitution shall, on making a written declaration in membership form and on payment of a prescribed subscription, become a member of the Party, if he is not a member of any other party.

  2. The subscription fee shall be Rs.100 which is non refundable.

  3. The term of the membership is 10 years. With the beginning of the new term all the members of

    the Party have to fill the membership form again.

  4. Membership will cease with by death, resignation or termination.

  5. The subscription received from the members shall be distributed in the following proportion.

    National 25 % State 25% District 50%

6. Party Pledge: Every person joining the party shall sign the Party Pledge. This Pledge shall be:

“I accept the aims, objectives and Ideology of the Party and agree to abide by its constitution and adhere to the decisions of the Party”

Article 3.1 – Register of Members.

1. The registry of Active/Primary membership will be eventually moved to the online database. A database of members will be maintained by the state units.

2. The register so prepared shall contain the Full name, Father’s name/spouse name, age, occupation, address, and the date of enrollment of every member.

Article 3.2 (a)– Primary Member.

1. A Primary Membership is a token membership whose fee is as prescribed by the party. The Primary member would not have the voting rights in the internal party elections.

2. A primary member has the right to attend any meeting, however they would not be involved in decision making at any level.

3. A primary member can be elevated to the Active member after the primary member is interested in doing so, provided he meets the criterion in Article 3.2(b).

4. Every member who joins the party will be a Primary member by default with the exception of the founding members and the national core.

5. The timeline for elevation to Active membership from Primary membership will be decided by the concerned authority that will be formed from time to time at each organ level of the organization structure.

Article 3.2 (b)– Active Member.

  1. To become an active member of the Party, refer to section Article 3.2(a).

  2. The active member has to deposit the active membership fee as prescribed. A database of active

    members will be maintained by each state unit and a copy of the same will be available with the

    national unit.

  3. The deposit is non refundable even if the applicant is not accepted.

  4. Member will have to participate in the programs and activities of the Party.

  5. Only an active member will be eligible to contest Elections for a Mandal/Taluk/Block committee or

    above that level.

  1. At the beginning of each term as determined by the National Council each active member will submit a new form and pay the dues.

  2. For every term the enrollment forms will be forwarded to the district president who will appoint a sub-committee to make appropriate recommendation.

  3. The sub-committee may exempt certain cases as laid down in sub-rule 1.

  4. The final decision shall be taken by the district president or in special cases by the state president.

    10. The register of active membership so prepared shall contain the Full name, Fathers name/spouse name, age, occupation, address, and the date of enrollment of every member.

    11. An active member will be eligible to take part in internal Party elections only from areas with which his Mandal/Taluk/Block is directly linked at the district and state level.

Article 3.3 - Scrutiny of register of members.

  1. The state Executive and the District Executive shall undertake periodical scrutiny of the members maintained at each Mandal/Taluk/Block and shall dispose all complaints regarding irregularities and rectify the records.

  2. If large-scale irregularities are involved then the National Executive may take such action, as it considers necessary.

  3. The Party will not proceed with the elections unless the register is scrutinized and rectified.

  4. The decision of the National Executive shall be final.

Article 4: Organizational Structure.

National Level:

  • - Core Group

  • - National Executive

  • - National Steering committee

  • - National Advisory Committee

  • - National Council

    State Level:

  • - State Executive

  • - State committee

  • - State Council

    District Level:

  • - District Executive

  • - District Committee

  • - District Council

Mandal/Taluk/Block committees: Gram committees:

Article 4.1: Core Group.

  1. The core group shall be the Ideological and power center of the Party.

  2. The Core group shall be the pillar of the Party.

  3. The Core Group gives advice to the National President, National Executive and the National


  4. The maximum number of members shall be nine.

  5. The member shall be elected by 2/3 Majority Vote of the existing Core Group members, after the

    member is recommended by the National Executive and elected by the majority vote of the National Council at a special session. In the absence of an existing core group, the member shall be elected by Majority vote of the National Council.

  6. The member must be an active member of the Party for a period as prescribed.

  7. Minimum age of the member shall be 35 years.

  8. Term shall be 5 years unless terminated, diseased or resigned.

  9. The member must have high educational qualification and strongly adhere to the core Ideology

    and principles of the Party.

  10. Has no criminal record or history.

  11. One with outstanding accomplishments in professional or public life.

  12. Upon resignation the member shall be honorary member without voting rights.

  13. The member can be terminated by 2/3-majority vote of the National Council and ratified by the

    Core Group with simple majority vote.

  14. The Core Group meets at regular intervals to give guidance to the National Executive. The National

    Executive can attend the meeting on invitation only.

  15. Decision Making at Core Group – All decisions will be made by a clear majority vote among the

    members of the core group.

Article 4.2: National Executive.

  1. 1) The National Executive comprises of a) The National President shall be elected by the National Council at the plenary session and later approved by the core group. A special session of the National council can be called to elect the president in the event of resignation or death and later approved by core group. b) 1 Vice President nominated by the National President after consultation with the core group, c) 1 General Secretary Nominated by the National President d) 25 Secretaries Nominated by the National President e) 1 Treasurer nominated by the National President and 1 assistant Treasure if required.

  2. 2) The Term shall be 5 years.

  3. 3) The National President shall have the term limit of not more than 3 terms.


  1. 4) The National Executive is responsible for carrying out the agenda set by the National Council at the plenary session.

  2. 5) Takes important decisions between two plenary sessions with the guidance of the Core Group.

  3. 6) The National President can be terminated by 2/3 vote of the National council at the special session

    and ratified by the Core group.

  4. 7) The National President can call for a special session of the National council with the approval of

    the Core Group.

  5. 8) Decision Making at National Executive level – The decisions will be taken by a clear majority vote

    of the National Executive between two plenary sessions. However, for day today administrative functions of the party, the National president is free to independently take decisions.

Article 4.3: National Steering Committee.

  1. The National steering committee shall consist of not more than one member from each state and one from each union territory.

  2. The term shall be 5 years.

  3. Minimum age shall be as prescribed.

  4. Members are elected by the core group with majority vote.

  5. Members have to be highly qualified individuals with impeccable track record and excellent

    educational credentials.

  6. Can be terminated by the core group with simple Majority vote.

  7. Members can be assigned different roles by the National President or appointed in committees.

  8. Decision Making – National Steering committee forms a part of National council where members

    make decisions by majority vote on policy/strategy and election of the President.

Article 4.4: National Advisory Committee.

  1. The National committee shall consist of not more than 100 members.

  2. The term shall be as prescribed.

  3. Minimum age shall be 5 years.

  4. Members are elected by the core group with majority vote.

  5. Members have to be highly qualified individuals with impeccable track record and excellent educational credentials.

  6. Can be terminated by the core group with simple Majority vote.

  7. Members can be assigned different roles by the National President or appointed in committees.

  8. The purpose of the advisory committee would be to advise, consult, brief, and give feedback on

    their specific areas of expertise to the Core group and the National Executive.

  9. Decision Making – National Advisory Committee forms a part of National council where members

    make decisions by majority vote on policy/strategy and election of President.page9image56372672

Article 4.5: National Council.

  1. Decision Making - This shall be the highest decision-making body of the Party unless overruled by 2/3 majority of the Core Group. Decisions are made by a clear majority vote of the members.

  2. Meets every 5 years at the Plenary session or if called for a special session at the request of the

    president and approved by the Core group by simple majority vote.

  3. Will elect the National President at the plenary session every 5 years and set the tone of the Party

    and agenda.

  4. The National council will give direction to the Party and set the agenda for the next 5 years.

  5. The National Council will take advice and guidance from the core group.

  6. The National Council will comprise of a) Members of the core Group, b) Members of the National

    Executive, c) members of National steering committee d) members of National advisory Committee, e) State Presidents, f) Ex National Presidents and Ex Core Group members, g) Members of the Parliament of the party.

Article 4.6: State council.

  1. The State council comprise of a) members of the state Executive, b) members of the state committee, c) MLA’s and MPs of the state.

  2. Follow the guidelines and directions set by the National Council.

  3. Meet at regular intervals, deliberate and set goals for the Party at the state level.

  4. Decision Making – Decisions are made by a clear majority vote of the members on matters of

    policies and strategy of the party at state level.

Article 4.7: State committee.

  1. One member from each District nominated by the State President.

  2. Two members from each District elected by the district council.

  3. Term shall be 5 years.

  4. Decision Making – State committee is part of state council. Decisions are made at the state council

    by a majority vote.

Article 4.8: State Executive.

  1. The State council comprise of a) The President nominated by the National President and ratified by the state council b) 1 General Secretary & (c) 15 secretaries nominated by the State President after consultation with the National President. d) Treasurer.

  2. Provide leadership at the state level.

  3. Follow the guidelines and directions of the National President, National Council and Core Body

4. Decision Making – State Executive makes decisions by majority vote. State executive is part of state council. Decisions are made at the state council by a majority vote. However, the state president is free to make decisions for day today administrative functions of the office.

Article 4.9: District Council.

  1. The District Council comprise of a) members of the District Executive, b) members of the district committee, Presidents of all Mandal/Taluk/Blocks in the district, MLA’s and MPs of the District.

  2. Meet at regular intervals to deliberate and come up with policies and strategies for the Party at the District level.

  3. Take guidance from the State council and National council on policy matters.

  4. Decision Making – At district level, the district council makes decisions by a majority vote of the


Article 4.10: District committee.

  1. One member nominated by the District President from each Mandal/Taluk/Block.

  2. Two members elected by the Mandal/Taluk/Block committee from each Mandal/Taluk, Block.

  3. Term shall be 5 years.

  4. Decision Making – District committee is part of District council. Decisions are made at the District

    council by a majority vote of its members.

Article 4.11: District Executive.

  1. The District Executive comprise of a) President who is nominated by the State President and ratified by the state council b) 1 General Secretary & (c) 9 secretaries nominated by the District President c) Treasurer nominated by the district president.

  2. Provide leadership at the District level.

  3. Follow the directions of the leadership higher above.

  4. Term shall be as prescribed.

  5. Decision Making – Decisions are made by the District Executive by majority vote. District Executive

    is part of district council. Decisions are made at district council by majority vote. Regarding day- to-day office functions, the party district president is free to take decisions in the interest of the organization.

Article 4.12: Mandal/Block/Taluk committee

  1. The members of the Mandal/Taluk/Block committee comprise of a) President b) Secretary c) members who are Presidents, secretaries of the Gram committees in the respective Mandal/Taluk/Block.

  2. Term shall be 5 years.

  3. Responsible for proving leadership to the Villages in the Mandal/Taluk/Block.

  4. Organize meetings, membership drive and election campaign.

  5. Maintain voter list and data of members.

  6. The Mandal/Taluk/Block committee follows the directions of the Party leadership above.

  7. Decision Making – The president at this level is empowered to take decisions for day today office

    workings. All policy and strategy level decisions are to be followed as decided by majority vote at

higher levels at central or state/district levels. While for local level of block/ Taluk/Mandal, this committee will make decisions by a majority vote of the committee members.

Article 4.13: Gram committee.

  1. The active party members of the Gram committee comprise of a head of the party and up to 7 committee members.

  2. Term shall be 5 years.

  3. The Gram committee is elected by the village party members.

  4. The committee is responsible for providing leadership in all local Party activities, participation in

    elections, registration drive and election campaigns, maintain voters list and give feedback to

    higher-level units of the organization.

  5. Periodic meeting are held by the committee to plan and execute the Party agenda.

  6. The Gram committee follows the directions of the Party leadership above.

  7. The Gram committee can be dissolved by the District president or higher leadership for anti party

    activities, not following the directions of the leadership or for reasons mentioned in the

    termination clause.

  8. Decision Making – The head at this level is empowered to take decisions for day today office

    workings. All policy and strategy level decisions are to be followed as decided by majority vote at higher levels at central or state/district levels. While for local level of village, this committee will make decisions by a majority vote of the committee members.

Article 4.14: General committees.

For the day today conduct of work/business, each organ level is free to create (or dismantle) committees or sub committees as per need at their respective level of organization structure.

Article 5: Office Bearers of the Party.


  1. The President shall preside over the meeting of the concerned Council or Committee.

  2. Nominate as per the constitution, members and office bearers.

  3. Allocate the work and duties among the office bearers and members of the committee/ Executive.

  4. Shall exercise any power of his Executive/committee, in an emergency, when it is not in session

    provided that any such action will have to be approved in its subsequent meeting.

  5. Take part in talks with other parties and to nominate representatives from the Party for the work.

  6. To decide on the date of the Executive/committee meeting and to convene the meetings as per

    the rules of the Party Constitution.

  1. To appoint Presidents/members for various units of the Party and to co-ordinate the functioning of the members.

  2. To conduct workers study camps and conferences as organized by the committee/ Executive.

  3. To guide the Executive/ Committee in implementing programs for furthering the organizational

    and constructive activities of the Party.


  1. To carry out the responsibilities as directed by the President.

  2. In place of the President, the Vice- President as directed by the president will discharge all the

    functions and Powers of the President.

  3. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President specially authorized by the President will

    preside over the meeting. In the absence of the President/Vice-President the Executive/Committee can call on any one of its members to preside.


  1. To convene meetings as per instructions of the President, issue circular and agendas as well as to organize the meetings.

  2. To maintain the minutes of the meetings and to circulate it among members.

  3. To organize programs, meetings, conferences and publicity.

  4. To run the office of the Party and make necessary appointments with the consent of the President

  5. To execute the decisions of the President and the Executive/Committee.

1. To discharge the functions allocated by the President and to help the General Secretary.

1. To discharge the functions allocated by the President and to help the General Secretary along

with full support to the secretary(s). TREASURER:

  1. To maintain the income and the expenditure of the Party or the respective unit of the Party.

  2. To get the accounts examines/audited and to report the same to the Committee/ Executive


  3. To audit the accounts of all the subordinate units.

Article 6: Rules of Dispute resolution and Discipline.

Article 6.1 Code of Conduct.

  1. The members shall abide by the core ideology, organizational principles and the Constitution.

  2. The members shall uphold the unity, integrity and welfare of the nation above all.

  3. The members shall follow the direction of the higher Level office-bearers.

  4. The members shall be noble-hearted, law-abiding, industrious and socially conscious citizen of the

    nation and the world.

  5. The members shall not bring the internal differences of opinion of the party members before the

    media or the public without the authorization of the Party.

  6. The members shall work with full enthusiasm to ensure the victory of the candidates in various

    elections irrespective of personal differences of opinions or denial of ticket to oneself or one’s favored member.

Article 6.2: Breach of Discipline.

  1. Acting or carrying on propaganda against any program or decision of the Party.

  2. Opposing the official candidate of the Party in elections to public bodies.

  3. Violating any rile or disobeying any order passed by a competent authority of the Party.

  4. Taking a Party dispute to any other agency outside the Party including print, social media and

    electronic media.

  5. Unauthorized collection of funds for the Party, misusing party funds or indulging in malpractices

    in enrolment of members or in the conduct of Party Elections.

  6. Using the Party platform for propagation or collection of funds for organizations other than the


  7. Acting in a way calculated to lower the prestige of the Party or carrying on propaganda against

    any Party or its office bearers.

  8. Providing false information in the applications related to the Party.

  9. Intentionally making antinational or discriminatory statements in public or private domain.

  10. Discriminating on the base of race, religion, region, caste or sex.

  11. Or any other activity that violates the party core ideology or values.

Article 6.3: Disciplinary actions.

  1. Disciplinary action committee of not more than 5 members will be constituted by the National and State Executive respectively at the National and State levels. These committees shall be free to draw their own procedures.

  2. A state disciplinary action committee can take action only against units subordinate to it and individuals other than the members of the National Council.

  1. On receipt of a complaint for breach of discipline, the National President or the State President, if he so desires may suspend an individual or a Unit followed by a show cause notice within 30 days of the said order.

  2. Maximum 10 days time from the receipt of such notice may be given to the person to reply. The State President within two weeks after the due date of the explanation shall forward the said complaint along with explanation, if any, to the State Disciplinary Action Committee.

  3. Disciplinary action committee will submit its report to the President in not more than two weeks. The State President shall take action on the recommendation of the Disciplinary action committee within a week. If final order is not passed even after the prescribed time, the case will be referred to the immediate next meeting of the State Executive for decision. The State President will communicate the action taken to the concerned person or unit within a month.

  4. No final decision for breach of discipline shall be take against any individual or a unit without an opportunity being given to the individual or unit concerned to explain and answer such charges as are made against it or him/ her.

  5. Any disciplinary action at the state level shall be reported to the National President within a week of taking such action.

  6. Any unit or member aggrieved by the disciplinary action taken by the state unit may go in appeal within 2 weeks to the Central Disciplinary Committee. The appeal shall be disposed off within two months. The State President shall communicate the appellant the action taken by the Central Disciplinary Committee within one month.

  7. Any member contesting election against the official candidate of the Party will be summarily expelled from the Party by the State President or the National President.

  8. The National President if he so desires, may suspend any member and then start the disciplinary proceedings against him.

Article 7: Basic Rules of Conduct of Business.

Article 7.1: Plenary session.

  1. The following shall be entitled to attend the plenary session. a) All members of the National council b) All members of the state council, c) All members of the Parliament of the party, d) All members of the state legislature of the party, e) All other members invited by the National Executive and members of the Core Group.

  2. A plenary session of the Party shall be held once in every term at such time and place as may be determined by the National Executive.

  3. The National President shall preside at the said session.

Article 7.2: Special session.

  1. A special session of the Party will be held when the National Executive decides to hold such meeting with a specific agenda and the Core Group approves it with a majority vote.

  2. All members of the National council shall be the delegates for the special session.

a) Meetings: Meetings of various units of the Party shall be held at least as under:

  1. National Council – once a year.

  2. National Executive and State Executive – Once in 6 months.

  3. District, Mandal/Taluk/Block and Gram committee – once in 6 months.

  4. In the event the meetings are not held the head of the respective unit shall report it to the higher

    unit or its head.

  5. Notice for the meetings shall be 3 weeks prior to the meeting and in case of an Emergency meeting

    7 days.

  6. In exceptional cases the National President or the State President shall decide what is deemed


b) Vacancies: Members absenting without approval for three consecutive meetings of their unit will be liable to be removed by a resolution of the concerned unit. A president can remove an office bearer nominated by him only after his committee adopts a motion to the effect.

Article 7.3: Quorum.

Quorum for all meetings of the Core Group, National/ state/district Executive, Committees, Councils, and all other representative bodies of the party shall be one-third of the strength of the committee/council/body. Use of Videoconference and teleconference at Core Group, National, state, district Executive meetings, committees, councils, and all other representative bodies of the party is permitted. The quorum for amendment of the constitution or removal of the Core Group Member or National President shall be 75 percent of that unit.

Article 7.4: Delegate.

A delegate shall not be permitted to take part in any session or meeting of the Council unless he pays the requisite delegate fee.

Article 7.5(a): Conduct of Internal Party Elections.

  1. The National Executive shall appoint a National Returning officer for framing rules and conducting elections within the Party.

  2. The state Returning officers are appointed by the National Returning officer.

  1. The District Returning officer is appointed by the State Returning officer.

  2. The Mandal/Taluk/Block Returning officer is appointed by the District Returning officer.

  3. Elections for the State Council members, District level and Mandal/Taluk/Block level shall be held

    when the Mandal/Taluk/Blocks in the District have been duly constituted.

  4. Nomination of members of such bodies, if at all provided, should be restricted to a minimum scale, not exceeding 1I3 rd of the strength of the Committee/Body at National, state, district, and

    Mandal/Taluk/Block levels.

  5. The decision-making process is by way of majority vote of the members of the representative

    bodies at all the appropriate levels.

Article 7.5(b): Timeframe of Internal Party Elections.

The party will hold periodic and regular elections to all positions of office bearers, and organs of the party on a term basis (at least once in every 5 years) at all organ levels of the party, as well as advisory and consultation roles in the advisory/legal/Media/ etc. committees. Such committees and sub committees will be formed (& dissolved as required) at each organ level in the organization, from time to time for smooth functioning of the party.

The party declares that no office or post shall be hereditary or held permanently by any of the office bearers. All the posts in the party can only be held and will be held by the person who are members of the party and are duly elected by the members following the democratic process as per the provisions made thereto in the constitution of the party.

The decision making process is by way of majority vote of the members of the representative bodies at all the appropriate levels.

Article 7.5(c): External Elections conducted by EC.

The party shall contest an election conducted by the Election Commission within five years of its registration and thereafter shall continue to contest. If the Party does not contest elections continuously for 6 yrs, the Party will be taken off the list of Registered Parties.

Article 7.6: Election disputes within the Party.

Subject to the rules framed by the National Executive, the State Executive, District Executive and Mandal/Taluk/Block committee shall decide for dealing and disposing of all disputes arising out of elections to units and organs within the jurisdiction.

Article 8: Funds and Accounts.

1. A five-member National finance committee will be constituted by the National Treasurer.page17image61141952page17image61142144

  1. A five-member State finance committee will be constituted by the State Treasurer state after consultation with the National Treasurer.

  2. The respective committees will be responsible for collection of funds, expenditure and maintenance of accounts in their respective jurisdiction.

  3. The party shall utilize the Party funds only for the political activities and get its accounts audited during each financial year by an auditor on the panel of CAG. The party shall submit the copy of the audited accounts to the Election Commission within a period of 6 months after the end of each financial year.

Article 9: Amendment of the constitution.

  1. Constitution can be amended only by 2/3 vote of the National Council and then ratified by the Core Group by majority vote.

  2. Amendments to the ideology part of the constitution can be done only by 2/3 majority vote of the National council and ratified by 100% majority vote of the Core group.

  3. The National Executive can make recommendation to the Core Group for amendment of the constitution between two plenary sessions followed by the process in section (1) and (2) of Article 9.

Article 10 – Merger, split, dissolution procedure.

A special session shall be called by the President of the Party after a meeting of the National executive and approval by the Core group. All members of the National council shall be invited to this meeting. Any proposal pertaining to merger, split or dissolution of the Party shall be presented to all the delegates by the National President. A resolution passed by 2/3 majority of the National council and ratified by all the members (100%) of the Core group will be final.

In the case of dissolution all the assets after adjusting the liabilities will be transferred to the government of Bharat (India).

Article 11 – Mandatory provision under section 29A.

“The party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India ".

Article 12- Slogan of the Party.

The slogan of the Party shall be “Satyameva Jayate”.

Article 13: Election of National president.

  1. The National President will be elected by the National Council at the plenary session and approved by the Core Group by majority vote.

  2. The National President can be elected by the National Council at the special session and approved by the Core Group by majority vote between 2 plenary sessions in the case of resignation, removal, or death.

  3. Minimum age shall be 35 years.

  4. Has high educational credentials and impeccable track record.

  5. Has no criminal record.

  6. Has outstanding accomplishments in professional or public life.

  7. Provide leadership and give direction to the Party at all levels.

  8. The term shall be 5 years with a maximum of 3 terms.

Article 14: Powers and Jurisdiction.

The Core Group shall be the foundation and Ideological unit of the party.
The National council shall be the highest policy making body of the Party.
All decisions made by the National Council at the plenary session shall be binding to all the units and

members of the Party.
The National Executive shall be the highest Executive branch of the Party.
Every power not specifically vested in any other organ shall be exercisable by the National Executive. The National Executive shall lay down the rules for carrying out the functions of all units and organs. The National Executive shall frame rules for the maintenance of the funds and allocation, which will

be audited and approved annually.
The National Executive shall allocate the powers to all other units, to frame rules, to create machinery

for holding elections and for settlement of disputes therefrom.
All other organs and units shall perform such duties as may be determined by the National Executive. The National Executive shall frame rules for the constitution of disciplinary committees at different

The National Executive will frame rules for filling the vacancies caused by resignation, expulsion or

death of a member when no existing rules are in place for filling the vacancy.

Article 15: National Election Committee.

1. The National Executive shall set up a National Election Committee of not more than 15 members.

  1. The committee selects the candidates for the Parliament and State Legislature after thorough vetting and forwards the names of the candidates to the National President.

  2. The qualifications and criteria for selection of candidates will be determined by the committee.

  3. The committee will oversee election campaigns.

  4. The National President after consultation with the Core Group will approve the selected


  5. The National President decision on candidates shall be final.

Article 16: State Election Committee.

  1. The State Executive shall set up the State Election Committee of not more than 15 members.

  2. The committee will propose names of candidates for the Parliament and state legislature seats

    from the state to the National Election Committee.

  3. The State Election Committee will select party candidates for all the Local body election.

  4. The committee will conduct election campaigns in the state.

  5. The state President decision on party candidates for local elections will be final.

Article 17: Interpretation of the constitution.

  1. The Core Group has the power and authority to interpret the articles and Rules of the Party Constitution whenever an occasion arises.

  2. The Core Group decision in respect of the above shall be final and binding on all members and units.

Article 18: Submission of audited annual financial statement.

The party shall submit its audited annual financial statement to the Commission within a period of 6 months after the end of each financial year. Party shall utilize the party funds only for political activities and get its accounts audited during each financial year by an Auditor on the panel of CAG and submit its copy to the Election Commission within a period of 6 months after the end of each financial year.

Article 19: Declaration on violence.

The party will not, in any manner, promote or instigate or participate in violence.