
Our Journey

"Take up one idea, make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, Live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."

Swami Vivekananda

When a Nation is torn by violence, fundamentalism and terrorism, when the people are divided in the name of caste, religion and regionalism, when the children are suffering from malnourishment, abuse and neglect, when the culture is gutted in drain and the heritage in ruin, when the politicians are corrupt and the educated are cynical, the sons of the soil have risen to steer the country in the path of peace, progress and prosperity.

The journey to establish a modern and developed state was envisioned by a group of Individuals in 2006. Their pursuit to this goal was unwavering in spite of the hurdles and dangers of the current political environment. It was their deep-rooted faith in establishing the Dharma that made them pursue their goal relentlessly and fearlessly.

When the foundations of democracy are crumbling and the institutions are undermined, when the people have lost faith in the systems of governance and natural justice, restoring the faith, reestablishing the institutions and strengthening the foundations takes courage, wisdom and beyond all the will to do it. Uday Bharatam Party reestablishes that faith in the political system and institutions, which are vital for the success of a democracy.

The first step to start a political movement was born out of passion and love for the motherland by few young individuals who came from different walks of life and backgrounds. What was common among them was their resolve and conviction to lay the foundation of a Political Party with new generation of young leaders who have to courage to take on the existing political class who have undermined the institution of democracy.

Starting a political movement is no easy task. The foundations were laid with an Ideology “ BHARATM”, which is deep rooted in the ancient wisdom and the universal principle of Dharma. The Ideology was compiled into 10 sutras, which form the basis of the vision for the nation.

The Name “BHARATAM” was coined after deep thought and deliberation. Bharatm is the expression of the past, present and the future. It is the soul of the nation. It has its roots in the beginning of this civilization. It signifies our uniqueness and who we are collectively as one nation.

Though the seeds were sown years ago this movement gained momentum in the past few years due to convergence of great minds and people from across the country that share the same values of liberty, equality, justice and the universal principle of Dharma.

The movement has taken shape and has propelled all like-minded people across the country to come on to a common platform to take on the challenges of the crumbling democracy. The courage to take on the criminals in politics and governance is fraught with danger and can lead to unknown territories and uncertain fate.

The leadership and the people behind this movement are cognizant of the challenges and are determined to pursue their goal for the greater good of the society at large. At this point there is no looking back or doubt in their conviction, capabilities and their resolve to fix a failing system. As time will judge the outcome of this movement, history will remember this movement as a stepping-stone for the rise of a great Nation.


Article 3.2 (b)– Active Member

1. To become an active member of the Party refer to section Article 3.2(a).
2. The active member has to deposit the active membership fee as prescribed. A database of active members will be maintained by each state unit and a copy of the same will be available with the national unit.
3. The deposit is non refundable even if the applicant is not accepted.
4. Member will have to participate in the programs and activities of the Party.
5. Only an active member will be eligible to contest Elections for a Mandal/Taluk/Block committee or above that level.
6. At the beginning of each term as determined by the National Council each active member will submit a new form and pay the dues.
7. For every term the enrollment forms will be forwarded to the district president who will appoint a sub-committee to make appropriate recommendation.
8. The sub-committee may exempt certain cases as laid down in sub-rule 1.
9. The final decision shall be taken by the district president or in special cases by the state president.

We are proud Bharatiyas who believe that every one of the 1.3 billion of our countrymen and also those unborn millions, who will one day inherit this land, deserves a life of peace, prosperity and purpose.

We haven’t forgotten that the life we enjoy today, the freedom and opportunities that has come our way is the result of selfless sacrifices of countless daughters and sons of this sacred land. And that we owe a debt to these great souls, the debt to pass on the spirit of freedom, justice and equality to our future generations.

We feel in our bones and blood the wisdom of renunciation and service that has been passed on to us though our culture, our value systems, our epics and our timeless traditions. We are the inheritors of the wise sages of the ancient times, the valiant heroes of the past centuries, the fearless freedom fighters of the last century. You too, we are sure hear the faint calling of our Motherland, urging each one of us to rise up, come together and fight for what is right and what is moral.